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Traveling During the COVID-19 Period
To our valued guests, it is our priority to host a safe and comfortable stay for you in Huatulco. We actively continued to improve our practices so you can feel confident knowing you are in good hands with our team. Since March of 2020, our team has overseen safe stays for thousands of guests – ensuring safe arrivals using private airport transfers, exercising safe check-in protocols, offering grocery delivery/pantry stocking service, and maintaining housekeeping practices that continue to meet international hotel standards. We have supported guests with grocery re-stocking as well as by coordinating private excursions so groups can enjoy our destination while limiting contact with others
We have partnered with a fantastic clinic in Huatulco to assist foreign guests with getting their required Covid Testing to satisfy re-entry requirements in their home countries. As there are differing requirements between Canada, Europe and the United States, we encourage you to review current protocols according to your home country.
Our Covid Test Booking Page offers links to each country's International Covid-19 Testing Standards and Requirements (which are all updated regularly). You can view your country's standards those by clicking the flags under "International Testing Standards" on the right hand side of the page.
Please know that we continue to take the current global health and travel crisis very seriously. We are taking extra precautions with sanitizing and cleanliness and ensuring social distancing with guests (see below for more details on our staffing and cleaning policies). Our team is supporting guests with travel postponement plans under our updated policy that allows one-time cost free date changes. If your plans have been impacted, please know that we are here to help during this challenging time. You can contact us at reservations@myhuatulcovacation.com or use one of the sections below for more information.
We also encourage you to visit our "Build Your Own Bubble" page to learn more about add-on services available to enhance your personal comfort as it relates to your travel experience. Our add-on services are positioned to support your ability to travel with confidence when staying at any of our private properties. Options include virtual check-in, private airport transfer service, pre-arrival and mid-stay grocery stocking (including disinfection service), custom housekeeping preferences, in-home meal service, on-call concierge support, etc. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
World Health Organization (WHO): Coronavirus information
CDC: Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Mexico: Coronavirus information
United States: Travel advisories | Coronavirus information
Canada: Travel advisories | Coronavirus information
My Huatulco Vacation (MHV) is working hard to ensure a safe and clean environment for all guests and staff. We are continuously monitoring the recommended protocols being discussed on a global scale and continue to operate with the highest standards of quality and cleanliness.
Please see below for a few specific protocol changes in support of safety and social distancing:
Virtual Check-In
Rather than awaiting your arrival in the house to personally greet you, your representative will open the property and leave the keys inside. The house will have been cleaned and will be ready/empty in anticipation of your arrival. An MHV team member will be awaiting your arrival from a safe distance outside of the property until they personally see that you have arrived safely and are in the property. From there, you will be contacted by phone and/or video call so that you can complete the virtual check in process and the team member can address any questions you may have.
Updated Cleaning Procedures
Onsite staff, housekeepers, and property management are taking extra precautions for both their safety and the safety of guests. This includes, increased hand washing and sanitizing, frequent disinfecting of high traffic areas and modified cleaning hours to reduce interactions.
For the safety and security of staff and guests, guests will be asked to vacate the property (or be by the pool) as cleaning is taking place. Please refer to your reservation specialist if you have any questions about the cleaning schedule for your specific property.
We are committed to providing the same high level of service while also limiting person to person interaction; for this reason, guest communication will be limited to email/phone, baring any emergencies.
My Huatulco Vacation (MHV) está trabajando arduamente para garantizar un ambiente seguro y limpio para todos los huéspedes y el personal. Estamos monitoreando continuamente los protocolos recomendados que se discuten a escala global y continuamos operando con los más altos estándares de calidad y limpieza.
Consulte a continuación algunos cambios específicos de protocolo en apoyo de la seguridad y el distanciamiento social:
Check in virtual
En lugar de esperar su llegada en la casa para saludarlo personalmente, su representante abrirá la propiedad y dejará las llaves adentro. La casa estará limpia y preparada antes de su llegada. Un miembro del equipo de MHV estará esperando su llegada desde una distancia segura fuera de la propiedad hasta que personalmente vean que usted llegó de manera segura y se encuentra en la propiedad. A partir de ahí, será contactado por teléfono y / o videollamada para que pueda completar el proceso de registro virtual y el miembro del equipo pueda abordar cualquier pregunta que pueda tener.
Actualización de procedimientos de servicio de limpieza
El personal en el lugar, las amas de casa y la administración de la propiedad están tomando precauciones adicionales tanto para su seguridad como para la seguridad de los huéspedes. Esto incluye un mayor lavado y desinfección de manos, desinfección frecuente de áreas de alto tráfico y horarios de limpieza modificados para reducir las interacciones.
Para la seguridad del personal y los huéspdes, se les pedirá a los huéspedes que desalojen la propiedad (o que estén junto a la alberca) mientras se realiza la limpieza. Consulte a su especialista en reservas si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el programa de limpieza de su propiedad específica.
Estamos comprometidos a proporcionar el mismo alto nivel de servicio al tiempo que limitamos la interacción de persona a persona; por esta razón, la comunicación con el huésped se limitará a correo electrónico / teléfono, excluyendo cualquier emergencia.
First and foremost we are sorry if your planned vacation is being affected by Covid-19. As a first step, we recommend contacting your travel insurance company to validate your coverage, additionally please see below for the terms and conditions of your travel booking.
You may contact us at reservations@myhuatulcovacation.com to formalize a date change request.
Terms and Conditions
En primer lugar, lamentamos que sus vacaciones planeadas se vean afectadas por Covid-19. Como primer paso, le recomendamos que se comunique con su compañía de seguros de viaje para validar su cobertura. Además, consulte a continuación nuestras políticas internas.
Contáctenos en reservations@myhuatulcovacation.com para formalizar su solicitud de cambio de fecha.
Términos y condiciones